March 28, 2019 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm
Winger Maserati – 21 Great South Rd., Auckland
All ICCNZ members are warmly invited to participate in the Annual General Assembly which will be held at Winger Maserati in 21 Great South Rd., Newmarket, Auckland starting 5:00 pm and finishing around 8:00 pm.
The event will start at 5:00 pm with a self-guided tour of the showroom followed by a brief welcome and introduction from the ICCNZ president, Cav. Carolina Izzo. The Deputy Head of Mission from the Italian Embassy in Wellington, Nicola Comi, will then give a speech about the growing economic partnership between Italy and New Zealand. Our guest, Brendan Bourke, will present the latest updates around the organization of the American’s Cup (now Prada Cup) and the Luna Rossa team programme.
An Italian aperitivo will close the event scheduled to finish at about 8:00 pm.
For info please email
Many thanks to our event partners and sponsors:

Brendan Bourke Maserati Audience ICCNZ representatives SG – Marco Giordano