“The National Recovery and Resilience Plan: a new investment plan for Italy” by Francesco Mambrini

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the Italian economy more than other European countries. In 2020, the domestic product shrank by 8.9%, compared with a decline in the European Union of 6.2%.

The European Union responded to the pandemic crisis with the Next Generation EU (NGEU): a program of unprecedented ambition, which includes investments and reforms to accelerate the ecological and digital transition; improve the training of male and female workers; achieve more gender, territorial and generational equity.

For Italy, the NGEU represents an unmissable opportunity for development, investments and reforms.

Moreover, Italy is the first beneficiary, in absolute value, of the two main instruments of the NGEU: in fact, only one of these, named the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, guarantees resources for 191.5 billion euros, to be used in the period 2021-2026, of which 68.9 billion are non-repayable grants.

A few weeks ago, Italy presented its Plan to the European Union to illustrate how we intend to direct the resources received, in compliance with the objectives of the NGEU.

This Plan is divided into six Missions: digitization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism; green revolution and ecological transition; infrastructure for sustainable mobility; education and research; inclusion and cohesion; health.

A central role, also to guide investment and business addresses during the next five years, is represented by the first mission (that is divided into three components).


The digital transformation of the P.A. is going to be based on a “cloud first” approach. This action will be accompanied by investments aimed at improving the digital services offered to citizens (digital identity and domicile, notifications, payments).

Of particular interest for investment choices is the provisions regarding the increase in the productivity of judicial offices with the aim of reducing the average duration of civil proceedings by more than 40%. A timely judicial response that guarantees legal certainty is infact essential for a rapid recovery of the country and, at the same time, for better alignment with OECD standards in the field of enforcing contract.


This is the most relevant investment.

The new plan for the 4.0 Transition provides new impetus to the digital transition of businesses and the innovation rate of the Country’s industrial and business fabric, through the incentive of ultra-fast broadband networks.

A series of important tax incentives (Transition Plan 4.0) are considered in order to promote the digital transformation of production processes and investment in intangible assets in the post-pandemic recovery phase.

For Italy, a country characterized by a robust manufacturing sector and an export-oriented economy, the challenge of innovation and modernization is crucial. Contributions will be provided also to support investments in machinery and equipment for technologically advanced production.

– TOURISM AND CULTURE 4.0 (6.68 billion).

The component “Tourism and Culture” focuses on two sectors that are crucial for the “image” and the “brand” of our country at an international level, as well as for the weight they have in the economic system.

A pursuit of this mission is the enhancement of assets and distinctive skills.

An important effort is foreseen for the digitization, especially of what is kept in museums, archives, libraries and places of culture, so as to allow everyone to explore new forms of use of cultural heritage.

To enhance one of the most important treasures of our country, the small historic centres, a “National Villages Plan” will increase the enormous potential for alternative sustainable tourism.

The hope that all this aim is to make our country and our entire continent an example of excellence and sustainable recovery.

#BrokenFlows #Italy